The Third Wave

As a aspiring teenager, wanting to make a difference in the world, I sat 14,000km away on the Central Coast of NSW, as guys like Steve Case lead what we now call the “tech revolution”. As a consumer or early […]

Thinking Fast And Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow has become one of my go to behavioural science MUST READS'. It has transformed how I think about how I think!

Thinking, Fast and Slow has become one of my go to behavioural science MUST READS’. It has transformed how I think about how I think! Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kaheman – Get it here….. There is…. a compelling […]

A Great business takes…..

I have spent the summer diving into, for the third time, a favourite author, Jim Collins. From the author of Built to Last, Good to Great outlines a model for turning a good, average or even mediocre company in to […]

People-Focused Knowledge Management

How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success Today’s global economy demands excellence. As enterprises scramble to remain on top by being competitive, they also need to innovate faster than their competitors. One example is the globally competitive company called […]

It starts with Why – Identity

As I consult to Executives, CEO’s and Senior Managers, without fail we will ultimately start talking about a problem that at some point the question of “Why…?”, “Why are you doing that thing that costs so much time?”, “Why, are […]

Preparing for change

If you manage a business unit or group, there are certain steps you can take to help your organization become change-ready: Encourage participative work within your unit. Develop more participative approaches to how everyday business is handled. Specifically: Push decision […]

A vision for change

Develop a vision for change Describe a desirable future – one that people would be happy to have right now if they could. Make the vision compelling. It must be better than the status quo so that people will gladly undertake […]

Craft a plan for change

Craft a plan to implement change Involve people at all levels in the planning and implementation processes. An implementation plan should not be imposed on the people asked to move it forward. Rather, the people affected by the change should be […]

Manage resistance to change

Encourage people to openly express their thoughts and feelings about the change. Create an environment that fosters open communication and exchange of ideas. Actively reach out to employees—using informal hallway conversations, more formal one-on-one meetings, e-mail, and other channels—and ask […]

Analysing Business processes

Analyze a business process Map the existing process (documenting the way work flows through the process.) Examine the process map to identify problems. Interview stakeholders (including customers) to gain their insights on the process. Benchmark how other organizations handle this process. […]