Our Project Blueprints

“Voyager” is a metaphor for how we consider our Blueprints.

To empower Great outcomes, as your strategic partner, we take the time to understand what is important to you. “We listen to our client’s needs” and tailor our advisory, planning, and delivery to meet those needs.

To undertake that journey together, we have put together the Blueprint, or the framework to consider the people, process, and technology, that will transform those needs into great outcomes.

At the heart of it, our Blueprint has evolved over 20 years, as it has supported hundreds of companies in partnering with Qfactor to deliver their outcomes.

we are a learning organization and as such we are constantly being refined by our lessons learnt process.

Therefore our Advisory, planning, and delivery services deliver maximum return on your investment, optimal operational and business efficiency, controlling Cost, Risk, and Return… Transparently!


The Qfactor Cost philosophy is straightforward:

  • You engage in activity to deliver a return that drives Value to your customers
  • We serve you in ensuring that we extract the maximum Value with the lowest Lifetime Cost (Total Cost of Ownership)
    • Maximising Return on Investment
    • Maximising Quality of the Asset
    • Maximizing the Asset’s Valuation through Life.

Our Blueprint therefore is focused on driving decision-making by empowering executives with clear and transparent business models, demonstrating the compelling nature of recurrent and capital costs, risk profiles, timelines, and quality outcomes across all available delivery and procurement options.


The Qfactor Risk philosophy is similarly straightforward:

  • You engage in risk-based activity to deliver a return that drives Value to your customers
  • We serve you by ensuring that we extract the maximum value by controlling that risk and ensuring we have clear, transparent management plans
    • Maximising upside leverage from the risk
    • Minimising Capital and Operational exposure to the risks
    • Minimizing the likelihood and consequence of risk to the Assets Valuation through life.

Our Blueprint therefore is focused on the early identification of common AND uncommon/bespoke risks, driving decision-making by empowering executives with clear and transparent risk management plans, and implementing monitoring tools to provide time to manage and leverage upside.

Our Blueprints

Our team has developed blueprints across an array of consulting services, which form the basis of guidelines to collaborate with your management group to work together to solve your challenges and deliver on your dreams.

Our catalogue of Blue Prints cover:

  • Services
    1. Global and Local Perspective Marco Economics
    2. Behavioral Economics
    3. Leading a start-up
    4. Leading through Scaling
    5. People and Culture Development
    6. Strategy Development
    7. Corporate Fitness
    8. Enterprise Risk Management
    9. Corporate Finance
    10. New Technology developments
    11. Business Intelligence
    12. Portfolio Management
    13. Property Development Management
    14. Construction Management
    15. Executive Coaching
  • Performance Excellence
    1. Sales Excellence
    2. Innovation Excellence
    3. Portfolio Management Excellence
    4. Transformation Project Management Excellence
    5. Lean – Agile Project Management Excellence
    6. Transformation Change Excellence
    7. Construction Management Excellence
    8. Cost Excellence
    9. Schedule Excellence
    10. Property Development Excellence
    11. Asset Management Excellence
  •  Leadership Excellence
    1. People and Culture
    2. Growth Innovation Leadership
    3. Talent Leadership
    4. Skills Development
  • Products
    1. Engineering and Design Systems Playbook
    2. Manufacturing and Installation Playbook
    3. Design and Construction Playbook
    4. Operational and Optimisation Playbook
  • Market Conditions Playbooks
    1. Business Cycle Playbooks, Economic Cycle Playbooks
    2. Recession Playbook
    3. Early Green Shoots Playbook
    4. Early Growth stage Playbook
    5. Middle Growth Stage Playbook
    6. Middle-Late Stage Playbook
    7. Late Stage Playbook
    8. Inflation and Stagflation Playbook
    9. Impending Recession Playbook
    10. Full Cycle Playbook
    11. Multi-Cycle Playbook
    12. Intergenerational Playbook

Capability and Capacity

With 20 years of experience running programs of some very challenging and complex problems, the Qfactor team gives you the capability to deliver your challenging programs confident that you have the expertise to “rise above” the forest to deliver great outcomes with a high degree of certainty.

Our Blueprint is designed to ensure that you have the People, Process, Technology, Tools to stage the delivery of your program/project from:

  1. Discovery and Needs Analysis
  2. Concept design
  3. Early Planning
  4. Feasibility and business case/options development
  5. Planning
  6. Detailed Design
  7. Procurement/Solution Solving
  8. Execution
  9. Closeout
  10. Integration into Operations
  11. Post Implementation Review
  12. Operational Performance Management – Benefits Realisation Review