A Great business takes…..

I have spent the summer diving into, for the third time, a favourite author, Jim Collins. From the author of Built to Last, Good to Great outlines a model for turning a good, average or even mediocre company in to […]

Be your best – Achieving “Greatness” as a Leader

What makes leaders great? Is it their courage? Their business acumen? Their expert knowledge? Their ability to organize? Truly great leaders have a specific blend of skills. But they also possess something else; certain characteristics which are harder to define. […]

Motivating your best investments – your people

Best selling author Steve Chandler and lawyer Scott Richardson show readers in their book, 100 ways to motivate other, how to get the best results from their people. They show how leaders must motivate from the top down in order […]

Micromanagement – avoid!

Micromanagement isn’t a personality flaw; it’s a breakdown in the fundamentals of delegation. As a manager, you should be able to give someone a task without having to look over their shoulder. The key is to provide clear goals. If […]