Playing to Win

Playing to win

Lafley’s Playing to Win details the importance of creating and developing a sound strategy for every business. He raises 5 critical questions that every organization must be able to answer with confidence. Playing to Win: Takeaway # 1: Winning IS Strategy A […]

Competitive Strategy

Porters Competative Strategy

Competitive Strategy, Michael E. Porter makes the case that you need a thorough understanding of industry competition to position yourself strategically as a firm. This tenet was a breakthrough when first presented in 1980, and has completely changed how companies […]

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

One of my favourate authors on leadership, lists the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, that speaks to itself for each leader/aspiring leader! Do you consider yourself a born leader? Few people do – and for good reason. Even if you’re […]

A Winning Business Level Strategy!

a Winning Business Level Strategy is concerned with the strategic planning and execution of initiatives for business units. Business strategy is considered the ‘middle’ level in the overall strategy hierarchy.  Thinking in terms of strategy levels is a useful way of dividing up […]

The Headgehog in you

the Hedgehog Concept

Using the Power of Simplicity to Succeed Be a hedgehog in business, and embrace simplicity! the Hedgehog Concept is one of the key themes that Jim Collins book Good to Great recommends business leaders focus on. If you could choose […]

Good to Great by Jim Collins

Good to Great - a keystone book on business leadership

Of all the books I have read over the last 10 years, Good to Great by Jim Collins is one of my keystone reference guides – it is just that important a read! In Jim’s previous best seller Built to Last explains […]

“Range” – by David Epstien

“Range” is an Why Generalists triumph in a specialist world, for me, the contest between specialisation and generalisation, has been a very tactile and tangible experience, hence I LOVED learning from David Epstein in his book RANGE. I finished by undergrad, in […]

7 Habits of Highly Effective People – By S. Covey

I first read Stephen Covey’s book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, in July 2012 whilst on a very challenging assignment in Western Australia, inheriting an off the rails $XXXm project, I felt I needed a miracle. That miracle came […]

10 Rules for Investing Wisely

I was recently reviewing some old notes and ran across a comment made by David Merkel from the Aleph Blog back in 2013. The discussion centered around the impact of volatility on investment disciplines. The most important concept is that […]

Great Uuse-Cases for the DAO marketplace

In this blogpost we want to highlight a few examples of where the availability of a marketplace for IoT data can bring great value. First question we need to ask, who will sell data? There are a number of data sellers […]