Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers

THe Book Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers is a vital read for those PM's looking to further their Careers

Consider this combination: emotional intelligence AND project management. In his book Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers, Anthony Mersino prosecutes the case as to why, for project managers advancing in their careers, Emotional Intelligence is a must. Perhaps that seems like […]

Writing a Statement of Works

The Statement of Work, or SOW, is the bible for the work the project must produce. The SOW is a key governance tool whether it is being used to direct work for a vendor or contractor, or it is being […]

Scheduling a project

Schedule a project Select the most useful tool for creating a draft schedule—such as Gantt charts, PERT charts, and critical path diagrams. You can create these with paper and pencil or with project management software; use whatever approach you’re most comfortable […]

Preparing for change

If you manage a business unit or group, there are certain steps you can take to help your organization become change-ready: Encourage participative work within your unit. Develop more participative approaches to how everyday business is handled. Specifically: Push decision […]

The project charter

Create a project charter Answer these questions to draft your project charter: What are the project’s objectives (deliverables)? What is the business need that the project will address? What is the relationship between the project’s goals and the organization’s goals? What […]

Manage project risk

Manage project risk Every project contains risks—for example, a supplier to whom you’ve outsourced an important task falls a month behind schedule or a key member of your project team is suddenly hospitalized for several weeks. While executing your project, you […]