What is Global Leadership?

In order to grow in key markets around the world, there is nothing more important than getting top talent in place through recruiting, developing, and retaining the right people. Two vital questions must be answered in order to effectively target […]

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

One of my favourate authors on leadership, lists the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, that speaks to itself for each leader/aspiring leader! Do you consider yourself a born leader? Few people do – and for good reason. Even if you’re […]

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Is your team Dysfunctional or boarderline? Patrick Lencioni' The Five Dysfunctions of a team, is vital reading (and doing) to get your team into shape.

Is your team Dysfunctional or boarderline? Patrick Lencioni’ The Five Dysfunctions of a team, is vital reading (and doing) to get your team into shape. Anyone who has ever had to work with other people to achieve something important has […]

Start with Why

I first saw Simon Sinek do a TED talk on his book Start with Why. I loved it, I loved the book and re-read it regulary. Start with Why Focuses you! on.....

I first saw Simon Sinek do a TED talk on his book Start with Why. I loved it, I loved the book and re-read it regulary. Wouldn’t you like to call a job you love your own? Although just about […]

Principles by Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio must be doing something right. After all, he is one of the wealthiest people in the world - he atests - guided by these Principles for investing.

Ray Dalio must be doing something right. After all, he is one of the wealthiest people in the world – he atests – guided by these Principles for Investing. What you will learn from this book summary, building a successful […]

Your Values and Beliefs

What Are Your Values? Deciding What’s Most Important in Life; How would you define your values and beliefs? Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are. We define values as beliefs of a person or social […]

Mindset by Carol Dweck


Mindset How you can fulfil your potential – Carol Dweck is a World-renowned Stanford University psychologist having committed decades of research on achievement and success. I first heard Carol speak on an interview with HBR in 2010 and loved what I […]

The Culture Code

The Culture Code – Is there such a thing, can we codify the creation of culture? Working together makes the world go around. Everyone needs a helping hand now and then to get their ideas going, even the most brilliant […]

Icarus Deception

Seth Godin is a really interesting charactor. Beyond writing the Icarus Deception , After “passing” on founding Yahoo back in the early 2000’s, Seth followed his passions to become a writer and educator with his focus on Business and Marketing. […]

Thinking Fast And Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow has become one of my go to behavioural science MUST READS'. It has transformed how I think about how I think!

Thinking, Fast and Slow has become one of my go to behavioural science MUST READS’. It has transformed how I think about how I think! Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kaheman – Get it here….. There is…. a compelling […]