#StrongerBusiness Series – Building A Strategy Focused Organisation

Following 20 years of application of Kaplan/Norton developed principals. Our team will lead yours through the process thinking, developing and applying a Strategy Focus to your organisation, building a stronger, more profitable business.

We have broken this course into three main elements.

  1. Why – getting to know why this is for you (free course self paced)
  2. How – getting to know how this could work for your business! (paid online course) – Let start!
  3. Delivering better outcomes for you! (paid online course – pricing? – talk to the team as every business is different)

Why work with Qcubed on this?

For more than 20 years our team have been working within the Strategy Focused Organisation principals and live and breath them every day.

We have worked with numerous international companies, including some of the largest in the world, on how to adapt, apply and make real the benefits of the Strategy Based Organsiation.

We understand the Art and the Science

One of our recent Client CEO’s proclaimed “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and we couldn’t agree more, however Culture is only one element of your business. Our coarse will teach you how to consider that there are scientific elements to your business that need thought and strategy as to how to execute, and subsequently there is the Art of implementation, cultural application, emotional intelligence to motivate your team to rally, support, and drive your strategy forward to success.

Course outline

Why? – getting to know why this is for you (free course self paced

  • What is a Strategy
  • What is a Strategy Focused Organisation
  • Why would this work
  • Has it worked for others
  • Here are some examples
  • Where would you start?
  • How do you start?
  • What would the cost of implementing this strategy

How? – getting to know how this could work for your business! (paid online course) – Let start!

  • Lets Assess your Business
  • Setting Short term Goals
  • Setting Medium term Goals
  • Assessing the Gaps
  • Developing a strategy!
  • Developing your Strategy Map
  • Looking for low hanging fruit
  • Designing Score Card

Delivering Better Outcomes for You!

at its core, the following elements make up our Better Outcomes coarse, however these can be, and are tailored to meet the requirements of each specific business. Email the Executive team today to discuss: info@q3ed.com

  1. Align the Organisation to the Strategy
    1. Establishing Corporate roles
    2. Business Unit Synergies
    3. Shared Services Synergies
  2. Translate the Strategies into Operational Terms
    1. Detailed Strategy Maps
    2. Agreed Balanced ScoreCards
  3. Mobilise Change through Executive Leadership
    1. Governance Process
    2. Strategic Management Systems
  4. Make Strategy a continual process
    1. Link Budgets and strategies
    2. Analytics and information systems
    3. Strategic Learnings
  5. Make Strategy Everyone’s day job
    1. Strategic awareness
    2. Personal Scorecards
    3. Balanced bonuses